Sunday, October 20, 2013

Our three week vacation aboard the 2nd Fantasy

Sierra and I are spending three weeks aboard this exquisite power yacht. There is also a young kitty here by the name of Annie and we are looking after the two of them while the owners, our friends Tom and Doris, are away visiting Texas and California. I don't feel very politically correct calling this vessel a boat, because it's more of a ship to us. But it is a pleasure for us to be staying aboard their ship for them. It has all the amenities of an apartment or home, including some things that apartments and homes don't have. Such as gorgeous nautical wood work, legions of hidden compartment, resplendent views from every direction, palliation of cramped and confined quarters while keeping our ideal minimal living. I've seen quite a bit of water crafts in the past 5 or 6 months since we've been here of all different shapes and sizes, and every one of them still amazes me with their meticulous and diligent workmanship. Shipping vessels are some of the most glorious and literal works of art that I've ever seen, with exchange values and use values that sore up from the murky depths and well into the sky.

I filmed this short video while aboard as a quick tour or walk through with the hopes that we maybe able to share some of an artists rendering of a nautical home with all the tranquility that a human being could ask for.

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